Maintaining parish council records
Records generated by the parish council and parish meeting
Records to retain permanently
These should be preferably deposited in the NRO.
- Parish council minute books
- Parish meeting minute books
- Minute books of committees, such as:
- Jubilee and coronation celebrations
- Charities
- Allotments
- Planning
- Playing field
- Burial ground, etc
- Books of declarations on acceptance of office
- Orders establishing the parish council or parish meeting or authorising mergers of parishes
- Title deeds and leases
- Agreements and contracts
- Investment documents
- Receipt and payment account books
- Annual financial statements
- Allotments (registers and plans)
- Burial grounds (burial registers, purchased graves registers, memorial registers and plans)
- Footpaths (survey of footpaths in parish, closure orders)
- Commons (Commons Commissioner's decisions)
- War memorial (subscription lists, plans)
- War records, including:
- Survey of accommodation available for evacuees
- Air Raid Precaution papers
- Minutes of invasion committee
- Correspondence with rural district councils, county council, etc
- Insurance properties relating to parish council properties
- Photographs and programmes of events organised by the parish council
- Newsletters and other publications (such as parish guides, parish histories) issued by the parish council
- Surveys of parish facilities
Items to retain indefinitely for legal reasons
These do not necessarily have to be deposited in the NRO.
- Quotations and tenders
- Burial grounds records:
- Registers of fees collected
- Applications for interment
- Applications for right to erect memorials
- Disposal certificates
- Copy certificates of grant of exclusive right of burial
Items to retain for at least 12 years
- Wages books
Items to retain for at least six years
- Bank statements, including deposit and savings accounts
- Receipt books of all kinds
- Paid invoices
- Paid cheques
- VAT records
- Petty cash, postage and telephone books
- Members' allowances registers
- Halls, centres, recreation grounds:
- Applications to hire
- Lettings diaries
- Copies of bills to hirers
- Record of tickets issued
Items to retain for at least five years
- Scales of fees and charges
Items to retain for at least the last completed audit year
- Bank paying-in books
- Cheque book stubs
- Timesheets